Driveway Moments...we all have them...those moments that you want to either last forever or end as soon as possible. Some are full of joy, excitement, and magic while others are full of pain...the kind of pain that takes your breath away.
The unfinished story...
The song you need to hear the end of...
The transaction...
The goodbye...
The hello...
The first kiss...
The lockout...
The biggest fight...
The breakup..
The “aha” moment...
The confession...
The most painful, visceral moment of my life happened in my driveway in 2018. It was the moment I looked my son in the eyes and told him I knew he was an addict and that he needed to go to rehab.

It is 2020 now...a year filled with tons of pain for tons of people. Today I am feeling thankful for all of my driveway moments-the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am also thankful for the opportunity and resources to walk through and process my pain these past few years...because that is no longer a given for many people. Neither is a driveway.
If you are willing, please share your best, worst, or most impactful driveway moment in the comments section.