At the heart of the 6-0, a guardian’s soul took flight. A somber tale of darkness cast upon the night. Like a fleeting shadow, you slipped away, leaving a void day by day.
An Irish Goodbye, you felt forced to leave…without saying goodbye, too painful to weave.
A dedicated officer, strong and kind; a burdened heart concealed, Coney Island on your mind.
Your uniform, your shield, your smile bright and warm, yet beneath that facade, a tempest did form. Too much pain in your brain…you could not maintain.
The weight of the world, a burden you couldn’t show…family, friends, and the 6-0.
Amidst the chaos, your spirit wore thin; a battle waged inside, a storm brewed within.
Seeking solace, you yearned to be free, but the chains of despair held you tight as could be.
We gathered on Staten Island to remember your soul, grappling with loss of control. A stunning display of men and women in blue; a police K9 too-stood in silence that day.
With the sun shining bright, we held each other tight…it was all so surreal. A sea of blue lined up to say goodbye, paying their respects with protective salutes. Bagpipes, flags and a helicopter flyover-what an amazing tribute.
We mourn your loss, we are broken, our grief from a loss beyond belief.
In our hearts, your spirit will reside, as we navigate this journey with you by our side.
An Irish Goodbye, a silent retreat…leaving us questioning, our souls incomplete.
Your spirit now set free, in God’s embrace.
We’ll remember the love, the laughter, and the grace…
And hold onto those moments, in time and space.
An Irish goodbye, a farewell unspoken.
Rest in Peace Colin Patrick Rossiter. 7/29/00-3/2/23.
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.